If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, contact my team and let’s see what we can do. Its often said that seeing is believing, and thats certainly the case with search. We work on daily and have some incredible rankings in the worlds most competitive cities, from London to NYC. A Closer Look at Some of Our Successful SEO & Digital Marketing Campaigns. During this period there has been a healthy growth in both Total Clicks 753 > 2.6k, and Total Impressions 60k > 461k with online enquiries and phone calls increasing by approximately 200. I have lived and breathed SEO for 15 years, building and selling 3 profitable businesses off the back of their Google rankings. The Basics, current period vs previous period Clicks: 2,610 vs 753, an increase of 346 Impressions: 461,000 vs 60,000, an increase of 768. We assess each project on its own merits.īut if you want to make a powerful investment in your business, I believe there is no better way. We may need to rebuild your website, or we may not. You need people you can trust, it’s a lot of work and it takes time. We also got them to #2 in Melbourne, one of the most competitive cities for SMP.
In Australia, we took a long term client to #1 on in Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide, all significant improvements over their previous rankings, and to #2 for ‘scalp micropigmentation’ nationally. SearchGurus.ca emerged from an idea spawned. From #24 to #3 on Google UK for ‘scalp micropigmentation south london’ and nowhere to #5 in Surrey. We stay ahead of the SEO curve - not because we have to, but because we categorically love everything search. From #22 to #3 on Google UK for ‘scalp micropigmentation essex’. From #32 to #4 for a new SMP business in Nottingham. Massive gains on Google UK across 15 keywords for a permanent makeup artist in Manchester. From #92 to #4 for ‘scalp micropigmentation Dallas’ on. From #5 to #1 for ‘scalp micropigmentation fort worth’ on. See our SEO success stories, with actual examples and case studies to show you what SEO really achieves. From #6 to #1 for ‘scalp micropigmentation Belfast’ on Google UK. Real companies, real websites and actual results. From nowhere to #1-3 on for ‘permanent makeup’ local searches for an American studio in their home town and 8 surrounding towns. From nowhere to #4 for ‘scalp micropigmentation training’ on Google UK. From nowhere to #1 for ‘scalp micropigmentation Portugal’ and ‘scalp micropigmentation Lisbon’ on both and Google.pt. From #16 to #4 for ‘scalp micropigmentation vancouver’ on Google Canada. He is now busier than he has ever been, much of which he attributes to his new Google ranking.
We took a well known UK artist from nowhere to #3 on .uk for ‘scalp micropigmentation training’ and #6 for ‘scalp micropigmentation’ nationally.
A quick post to demonstrate the power of effective SEO, executed correctly by professionals.